At Azimut Portföy, we draw our strength from our independence because our only business is portfolio management. We do not have activities in different fields such as banking and insurance. This allows us to spend more time with our customers, getting to know each of them individually and understanding their expectations, enabling us to offer a suitable investment plan.”
Murat Salar
General Manager, Azimut Portföy
As Turkey's only independent portfolio management company expanding with contact offices, we are getting closer to you every day.
While you focus on your work, family, and social life, we manage your savings according to the goals and strategies we have jointly determined.
Control, audit, reporting and storage services for your assets are carried out by İş Bankası.
Investment funds that may be suitable for investors who do not prefer to take risks and want to obtain reasonable returns without risking their principal, such as alternative to deposit, fixed income and low-risk investment funds.Fonları göster
Investment funds that may be suitable for investors who accept a reasonable volatility in their investments in line with their risk/return expectations and prefer to take measured and yield-oriented risks to achieve balanced returns.
Fonları göster
Investment funds that may be suitable for investors who accept medium volatility in their investments in line with their risk/return expectations, take measured and yield-oriented risks to achieve balanced returns, and prefer medium- and high-risk investment funds.
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They consist of a combination of volatile products and balancing products. Investment funds that may be suitable for investors who aim to protect themselves against inflation by taking certain risks. Balanced Aggressive funds offer high return targets in exchange for increased volatility.
Investment funds that may be suitable for investors who can tolerate high volatility values in their investments and target high potential profit margins, such as bond-weighted funds, gold, commodities, foreign exchange and foreign equities funds.
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Herhangi bir mağduriyet yaşanmaması adına; Şirketimiz Azimut Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş.’nin, bahsi geçen sahte şirket, grup ve/veya burada çalıştığı belirtilen kişiler ile ve ayrıca Şirketimizin unvanı kullanılarak oluşturulan WhatsApp grubu, Telegram kanalı veya bireysel yatırım tavsiyesi sunan bir topluluk ile herhangi bir ilişkisinin bulunmadığını, sorumluların tespiti ve cezalandırılması için gerekli işlemlere başlanıldığını, bu maksatla bu hesaplar ve kişiler aleyhine dava açtığımızı ve bundan sonra da benzer durumlar olduğunda da, suç duyurusu dahil bütün hukuki işlemlerin kararlılıkla ve ivedilikle yapılacağını belirtmek isteriz.
Azimut Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş.