Azimut Portföy Akçe Hedge Fund

Fund Performance Data

Fund Strategy

The Fund's main investment strategy is to invest in money and capital market instruments that are easy to convert into cash. In this context, the Fund portfolio can be invested mainly in the BIST repo and reverse repo market, the Takasbank money market, and TL and foreign currency deposits. The principles set forth in the Communiqué and other relevant regulations of the Board regarding the assets and transactions to be included in the portfolio of the Fund shall be complied with. The Fund may invest in futures and options contracts, embedded derivatives, swap contracts, warrants, certificates, forward-dated bonds/bills and gold transactions, and structured investment instruments for the purpose of increasing the expected return, hedging risk and/or investment. Foreign currency and capital market instruments can be included in the fund portfolio.

Fund Profile

Fund Code PPF
Fund Name Azimut Portföy Akçe Hedge Fund
Umbrella Fund Type Borçlanma Araçları Şemsiye Fonu
Management Fee (Yearly) 0.2625%
Performance Fee
Availability on TEFAS
Benchmark BIST KYD 1-Month Deposit TL Index +100 basis points
Benchmark for A Share Class (TRY)
Benchmark for B Share Class (USD)
Portfolio Managers Murat Salar, Abdullah Selim Kunt, Engin Ertam, Kutay Ultan

Trading Principles

Subscription and Redemption Frequency Daily
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Begining 9:00
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Ending 13:30
Settlement Date for Subscriptions T+1
Settlement Date for Redemptions T+1
Risk Level (TL)
Risk Level (USD)

Fund-Specific Information

Sold only to qualified investors.
