Azimut Portföy Multi Asset Variable Fund

Fund Performance Data

Fund Strategy

Fund's investment strategy; Due to the fact that the fund is a variable fund, it is aimed to provide portfolio diversity by investing in the assets specified in the table below. While selecting the capital market instruments to be invested in the management of the fund portfolio, partnership shares traded in BIST, public and/or private sector debt instruments and lease certificates will be included. Portfolio manager; While using fundamental and technical analysis methods to ensure the selection of partnership shares to be included in the fund portfolio, the maturity structure and yield that are suitable for market conditions will be taken into account in the selection of debt instruments.

Fund Profile

Fund Code GMA
Fund Name Azimut Portföy Multi Asset Variable Fund
Umbrella Fund Type Borçlanma Araçları Şemsiye Fonu
Management Fee (Yearly) %3,2025
Performance Fee
Availability on TEFAS Available on TEFAS
Benchmark 50% BIST 100 Return Index + 50% BIST- KYD REPO (GROS) Index
Benchmark for A Share Class (TRY)
Benchmark for B Share Class (USD)
Portfolio Managers Murat Salar, Abdullah Selim Kunt, Engin Ertam, Kutay Ultan

Trading Principles

Subscription and Redemption Frequency Daily
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Begining 9:00
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Ending 13:30
Settlement Date for Subscriptions T+1
Settlement Date for Redemptions T+2
Risk Level (TL)
Risk Level (USD)