Azimut Portföy Lease Certificate (Sukuk) Fund

Fund Performance Data

Fund Strategy

Fund's investment strategy; The entire fund portfolio is continuously; lease certificates [Sukuk, fixed rate, variable rate, indexed, demand (perpetual), convertible, changeable and amortized] and participation accounts, partnership shares, gold and other precious metals and other non-interest-based currencies approved by the Board and capital market instruments, at least 80% of the total value of the fund will be continuously invested in domestic and foreign lease certificates (sukuk). All investment instruments to be included in the Fund portfolio, the composition of the Fund portfolio and the investment process will be approved by the "Islamic Finance Advisory and Compliance Committee". All invested assets will always comply with the "Islamic Finance Guidelines". Issues to be invested; will not be subject to any restrictions in terms of country, geographical area, sector, currency type and maturity. Foreign currency and interest-free capital market instruments can be included in the fund portfolio. On the other hand, the value of these capital market instruments cannot exceed 80% of the total fund value.

Fund Profile

Fund Code GLS
Fund Name Azimut Portföy Lease Certificate (Sukuk) Fund
Umbrella Fund Type Borçlanma Araçları Şemsiye Fonu
Management Fee (Yearly) 2,4000
Performance Fee
Availability on TEFAS Available on TEFAS
Benchmark 50% BIST KYD Public Lease Certificates + 50% (Dow Jones Sukuk Index * CBRT USD/TRY Buying Rate)
Benchmark for A Share Class (TRY)
Benchmark for B Share Class (USD)
Portfolio Managers Murat Salar, Abdullah Selim Kunt, Engin Ertam, Kutay Ultan, Koray Ucuzal, Turgutalp Günal

Trading Principles

Subscription and Redemption Frequency Daily
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Begining 9:00
Subscription and Redemption Notice Period Ending 13:30
Settlement Date for Subscriptions T+1
Settlement Date for Redemptions T+1
Risk Level (TL)
Risk Level (USD)